(916) 258-5425 (KICK)

You’re invited to join instructor Katie Walker for a mobility workshop that can help you improve your athletic performance, treat body stiffness and achy joints, and live a healthy life!

During the workshop, you’ll learn about mobility, body maintenance, and improving your physical well-being with a goal of increasing flexibility, reducing pain, and rehabilitating injuries.

You’ll leave the workshop with a better understanding of your problem areas along with techniques you can use at home to help improve performance and heal injuries.

The workshop begins at 10:00am on Sunday, November 30. The cost is $35 per participant. Please see the flyer below for more details (click here to download a PDF).

Space is limited, so please RSVP soon by calling (916) 258-5425.


I’ve exercised all of my life, right out of high school. I was in a car accident in 1968 that messed up my left knee. It tore all the muscle, tendons and ligaments in the knee. The doctor at that time told me I would have arthritis in my later years. Well, exercising has helped to ward that off. Now I have bone-on-bone in my knee. My knee will have to have surgery. Sometimes the pain is very unbearable. Not the bone-on-bone, but what it does to my knee as a whole. I have built up my thigh muscles to help bear the weight while I’m pursuing martial arts. I’ve tried everything for the pain. Nothing works for any amount of time. I’ve given up some of my best exercises to take care of my knee until I earn my Black Belt in Taekwondo.


Katie Walker and I had been talking about mobility training for awhile. I was really excited to try it. I would do just about anything to relieve the pain. Finally Katie got the go-ahead and all of the tools needed to produce a class or a workshop with me. I can’t say enough about what she has done for me. After the first session I had no pain at all. My hips felt brand-new and my legs did also. They still feel that way. My control and flexibility feel awesome. My knee will still need surgery, but for now the pain has subsided and I feel great. It only takes a few minutes of your time and it’s so worth it. No pills, no pain!


– Chris S. (64 years old)

