(916) 258-5425 (KICK)

Ladies, it’s time for another Girls’ Night Out at THE STUDIO!

Come join us on Friday, November 14 at our Dance 4Play party, designed for all ages, abilities, and fitness levels.

Instructor Donna Webb designed Dance 4Play to combine great music with sensual dance moves that will have you burning calories without even knowing it. You’ll dance off those unwanted pounds while listening to great music and learning some sultry new moves you can share later.

No experience is necessary, and the party is open to the public.

This is a workout so be prepared to sweat! Come in comfortable workout clothes. You can dance in bare feet or in studio shoes that have not been worn outside.

The doors open at 7:30pm and the dancing begins at 8:00pm. Please see the flyer for more details (click here to download a PDF).

Please RSVP by calling us at (916) 258-5425. We hope to see you here!