(916) 258-5425 (KICK)

This holiday season, THE STUDIO is continuing our tradition of filling blessing bags for the homeless.

Building on our success of collecting socks for the homeless, we are now asking all of our students to fill a sling bag with other essentials for the homeless.

The bags have been generously provided by our sponsors: Tiger Claw, Sunrise Natural Foods, Rocklin Smiles, Roseville Hearing Diagnostic, McCoy Fatula, House Biz Brokerage, FiveSixteen Inc., Laguna Premier Dental, Universal Plastics Inc., Sharif Jewelers, Precision Medical Products, Jeppson & Griffin, United Building Maintenance, Amerio Law, and Placer Private Physicians.

Check out a bag by clicking on this link, or at the front desk and bring it back to the holiday party (or sooner!) so we can distribute the bags before the holidays. TKD students will earn an extra stripe for compassion.

Community members are also welcome to participate!

You can pick up a bag at THE STUDIO Martial Arts & Fitness front desk, or you can make a monetary donation by clicking here.